I am sorry that I haven't written or updated you all in a little bit. Lizzy keeps me rather busy!!
This week Lizzy had her first swim class. She LOVES the water, and she did her kicking motion (her sign that she is excited) almost the entire time. What a natural! Some family came to watch her swim, and shortly before (after I realized that I would be in a swimsuit too) a friend reminded me that maybe I should stop inviting people to the swim class :)
We have been attempting to stay busy. Mostly we hang out with our friends Jenn and Ione Skafish (also on maternity leave), we go on walks, and we clean. I am still amazed at the number of times a week I do laundry, and I am terrified of what this house will look like when I return to work in a couple of weeks :(
Lizzy is still not crawling, but she has perfected her roll and it seems to get her everywhere she wants to go. She stands for long periods of time while holding on to things. And she seems to want to step while standing, but no major movement yet.
She, like her mother, talks constantly. Frequently in resturants she tries to play the game we play at home where she screams and then we scream back. At home it is cute because she laughs, I think at the fact that she can get us to perform for her, but in public I think it might be too much for others! She has started squealling at strangers to get their attention, and when they look she cocks her head to the side and smiles-all ready aware that she is the prettiest girl in the room.
She still loves her activity center and her jump-a-roo, but now that she is more mobile she seems to want to be out of them more than in. This makes my life a little more difficult, but I am sure her mobilty now will seem tame compared with what is coming.
Matthew was recently in the hospital for almost two weeks for his infection in his ankle, and it looks like he will have surgery on the 14th of this month. We are looking forward to it because we all hope this means we will be on the road to healing again. He has had trouble with his ankle for so long, and it would be nice to take walks as a family together.