This is how I prefer it...NO CLOTHES!!!
Watch out...we know she is cute, but with seven teeth now SHE BITES!!
Well...I have FINALLY responded to your complaints, and here is some much needed news about Lizzy :)Things for the Kwiatkowski's have been great. Matt had his final surgery, and all is well. He is on the road to being back. This weekend he even helped clean the house!!! All you mom's out there no what a big help this is...five months cleaning alone was tough, especially since I have some problems with dirtiness.
Lizzy is still LOVING it at daycare. She loves watching the kids, and playing in the yard. There are four kids around the same age there, and I am so looking forward to her having friends there. BUT...ONLY FIVE MORE DAYS OF WORK, so then Mommy and Baby can be back to together again.
She is getting so big, okay, big for us. Lizzy is now 16 has taken five months for this child to gain 4 pounds, but the doctors are excited about her weight gain, which includes 1.5 pounds in two weeks. She is just a little girl. A littler girl who is learning to use her looks to get what she wants. On Sat. we took her to breakfast and Lizzy spent that time "flirting" with a man at the next table. Long story short, he paid for our meal !!!
She has also taken to screaming her speech. This speech includes rapid hand movements. She is reminding us of a small Communist dictator. We knew she was smart, but smart enough to take over small countries..who knew?
No crawling still. Although Matt said that she crawled yesterday a little on her changing table. This was an effort, I am sure, to escape her least favorite task: putting on clothes. For some reason this is just horrible, and it makes me want to cry everytime too.
She is becoming more independent. Still curious, but now the curious wants explanations. Like yesterday, Memorial Day, we were feeding her at the Kwiatkowski lake house. We would put the food and water in front of her (yes...she is a big girl who wants to feed herself and use her sippy cup) and we would say, "Lizzy, do you want more food or water?" Then she points to what she wants. She is so smart, and we are constantly amazed by what she understands and gets. Apparently, this is a lesson that we need to watch our mouths :) are some pictures, and I will attempt to be better about posting.