Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Well...the Kwiatkowskis had a pretty lousy Christmas. Lizzy was exposed to chickenpox at her daycare, and because Daddy can't get it he has been living at his mom and dad's house for a week. Which family Christmas for us. Lizzy did go to her Great Grandma's house for Christmas, but we have postponed all of her gift opening until Daddy can come.


Natalie said...

How sad! However, she's quite the fashion plate in her cute plaid jumper...

Ione said...

Oh no! What a bummer! I'm so sad for you. Fortunately this year, you can get away with Christmas being whenever you want it to be. How long does Matt have to stay away?

Matt, Jen, and Lizzy Kwiatkowski said...

The doctors are deciding if it has to be 2 or three weeks.

Jac said...

That's really hard...but you do look super cute!