Saturday, May 24, 2008

Just a small picture of the madness. This picture doesn't really do it justice.

Angelina...playing so sweetly.
Lizzy and Evan working on their rock band.
Matt usually ends up working as a jungle gym at these parties, and last night was no exception. Don't feel badly...he encourages it and usually gets a couple of kids in trouble.

We decided to buy our new house for the room, for us as a family and to have people over. We have been lucky enough to have had several playdates here and to celebrate Mother's Day here. We wanted this to be a family house, so we pushed it to the limit last night when we invited over my work friends and their families. We had 11 kids here at one point, and it was great. Thanks everyone for coming and HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETH! Don't worry...I won't post how old :)


Jac said...

I have to say that how is worth every penny! That's what life is all about, right?

Natalie said...

I love the comment: "Don't worry, he loves it and usually gets a few kids in trouble." Kind of sums Matt up, huh?

Ione said...

Matt likes to get kids in trouble. I like to get Matt in trouble. No wonder we are friends.