Monday, June 30, 2008

This weekend we had some quality time with Daddy. We went to the European Market for the afternoon, and Lizzy loved the lemon freeze and her new hat from Abba. (My parents just got back from a trip.

Today we went to the beach with our friends Caden and Natalie. We had a great time until there was a near bird attack...don't ask...okay the seagulls wanted our snacks and they got a little too close for the mommies and Lizzy. Luckily Caden grabbed his bat and yelled "Back birds! Back!"
Good thing we had a man around especially since Lizzy has started saying, "Mommy, Daddy I princess."


Anonymous said...

Interesting topics could give you more visitors to your site. So Keep up the good work.

Ione said...

Love your new hat Lizzy! Looks like a fun weekend!

Matt, Jen, and Lizzy Kwiatkowski said...

Hey...what is with the first this a knock on my work?

Jac said...

Wierd. Could there be anything more interesting than Lizzy?

Carrie said...

Lizzy is sooo cute Jen! I love that huge smile of hers! She is a doll! Oh...and I'm stealing your "Lizzy Today" section for my blog, but I'm making it "Tristyn Today" that ok?