Monday, January 07, 2008

And here's just one to remember how cute she really if you could forget?

EVIDENCE in case you didn't believe me here are some pictures of our sad, sad girl. I kept thinking the chicken pox was no big deal, but her fever went up to 103 several times, she is not eating well, and she is an itching machine. Luckily, today we are over the worst of it and scabbed up. We think the all clear for Dada to return tomorrow is still a go. We really miss him :(

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

A Pox Upon Our House
So last night in the bathtub I discovered some evidence of chicken pox on Lizzy's I guess the precautions for Matt's health were warranted. And Ty don't worry...Lizzy wasn't contagious when we saw you so with the vaccine you should stay just as cute and pox free.

Matt can come home in about a week, which is what we were hoping for anyway, so it seems to be working out a little. If you consider missing Christmas and living apart for three weeks working out...I guess my point of view is always changing:)